Sustainable Fur Forum

The Sustainable Fur Forum (SFF) is an informal platform of discussion in the European Parliament that offers high-level expertise and scientific knowledge on fur related topics to Members of the European Parliament through different ways: events, farm visits etc. The SFF aims to foster an open and balanced discussion between policymakers and stakeholders, to provide inputs and to help shape solutions on a wide range of issues high on the European political agenda such as circular economy, animal welfare, consumer protection, labelling, trade, etc.

Greener Products for Green Consumption

As part of the Circular Economy Action Plan, the European Commission proposed in 2020 that companies should substantiate their environmental claims using Product Environmental Footprint methods, but many questions remain open. This next SFF debate on 24 March 2021 will look at what legislators, businesses and consumers expect from the upcoming legislation and how environmental footprint methods can be improved to provide complete and meaningful information to consumers. Click the link below to register
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